Widely recognized as one of the great modernist architects of our time, Al Beadle created a legacy of contemporary design like no other. Excellent examples of his work in Arizona are becoming increasingly difficult to find and are cherished among the design and architecture community.

This unit at The Boardwalk was one that Beadle resided in, as he often did for his designs. Like several of his other designs, this complex enjoys historic protection.
Nationally Beadle was perhaps best known for designing Case Study Apartment #1, a three-unit apartment development known as the Triad, one of the few multi-family designs that were part of the Case Study House program of Arts & Architecture magazine.
Locally, Al Beadle is cherished for his stylish mid-century residential housing and for his influence on desert modernism. Trained in construction during World War II as a Seabee, Beadle moved to Phoenix in the early 1950s and built a variety of commercial and residential projects, all with a serious design rigor an a palette of precise yet obtainable materials, reflective perhaps of both his “can-do” time as a SeeBee and his dedication to Modernism.
At the young age of 37, Beadle designed and supervised the construction of the 21-story Executive Towers in 1964, then the tallest high rise in Phoenix, and a landmark architectural design that remains enduringly desirable.
Al Beadle won numerous awards from the A.I.A., American Steel Institute – three awards, Valley Beautiful Award, AZ Aggregate Association, Architectural Record Magazine, Institutions Magazine. His work has been featured in many National and International(Italy, Germany and UK) Architectural Publications of note. Architectural Record House Award, selected one of the best 50 houses in the last 25 years. Featured in hard cover book entitled “The Best Record Houses of the Last 25 Years”. Major works in Phoenix, Chicago, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, San Diego and Albuquerque. Bio-Sketch included in “Who’s Who in America, 1978” and in “Who’s Who in the World, 1982”. A career retrospective, the 1993 A.S.U. College of Architecture and Environmental Design exhibit “Constructions: Buildings in Arizona by Alfred Newman Beadle”. The Architecture College presented a distinguished service award to Beadle.
azarchitecture has represented more home designs by Mr. Beadle than any other existing firm and all of us here are devoted fans of his work.