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Mobile Pools Opening at MOCA in Tucson

Mobile Pools Opening at MOCA in Tucson

Saturday, June 20 through September 26

Museum of Contemporary Art Tucson

265 South Church Avenue

Tucscon, AZ 85701


Saturday June 20, 12-5pm

First chance for MOCA Members to test out the pools! Celebrating the opening of the Macro Sea Mobile Pools with swimming, music, food trucks, and music by WFMU’s One Mint Julep!


Mobile Pools will be available for use by MOCA members during the museum’s open hours and for select special events from 20 June – 26 September 2015.

In conjunction with New York-based real estate development firm Macro Sea, MOCA will present three code-compliant, street legal mobile dumpster pools in the Great Hall, the former garage where Tucson’s Fire Department No. 1 parked their fire trucks. With twelve roll-up doors and sixteen-foot- high ceilings, the Great Hall is the perfect setting for this unlikely but eminently appropriate endeavor. In accordance with its searing summers, Tucson is the ideal location for this combination of artful and inventive design and the pleasure of cooling off and swimming in unparalleled surroundings.

At MOCA Tucson the pools will generate a platform and singular context for summer programming, which will include film screenings, concerts, dance and circus productions, and other above-and-beyond events. The forward-thinking reuse and recycling of Macro Sea’s pools installed in MOCA’s Great Hall creates an environment for experiential enjoyment of water, performance, and fun.

The outcome of Macro Sea’s do-it-yourself gamble lead to a blossoming of possibilities and ongoing projects, including their cathartic recycling interactive sculpture “Glassphemy!,” The New Lab at the Brooklyn Naval Yard, and major real estate ventures in Paris, Berlin, and Princeton. This spirit of innovation and the willingness to go out on a limb with improbable yet ultimately extremely viable ideas is in perfect keeping with MOCA Tucson’s mission to present cutting-edge contemporary art and foster a space, both physical and psychic, of experimentation and unrestrained imagination in downtown Tucson.

For information regarding pool & other museum private party rentals, please contact us at