azarchitecture supports and promotes the wide variety of interesting events, openings, tours and cultural celebrations we are so fortunate to enjoy in Arizona. Follow our events page to get the latest on design-related happenings.

Mesa Prototyping Festival – Dream | Design | Discover

Mesa Prototyping Festival – Dream | Design | Discover

Prototyping: (verb) to create and test an experimental model of a new idea or object.

Initially started in 2017, the Mesa Prototyping Project (MPP) asks, “How does a community design itself?” In spring of 2020, the Mesa Prototyping Project will continue with community-engaged design in neighborhoods south and southeast of downtown Mesa.

On March 21, 2020, from 12pm-8pm, The Mesa Prototyping Festival will feature 10 temporary installations resulting from neighborhoods identifying their needs and applicants experimenting with creative ways to address them, with the resulting prototypes installed for a one-day community event. The Mesa Prototyping Festival empowers all residents to think about ways to improve the beauty and functionality of their environments. It builds community relationships by connecting neighbors and neighborhoods to each other and to cultural resources, and by offering creative ways for ideas and community opportunities to be explored, expressed and celebrated.

Use #mesaprototyping on social when taking and posting photos and videos of you interacting with our prototypes and workshops!

For more information about this interactive community project, click the link below.